


結合科學與哲學的物理學研究超弦理論( Superstring Theory),統一了廣義相對論與量子力學,重新解釋物質粒子的假設,認為宇宙中的每一個粒子皆是各種呈不同方式振動中的弦。從弦理論著手如同安達魯之犬(Un Chien andalou)割開眼睛的序幕,顛覆我們以往對物質結構、時間、空間既有認知,部份科學家認為弦論是一切事物的統一理論,藉此用於研究黑洞和宇宙的起源 。量子理論之父馬克斯•普朗克Max Planck說:「我對原子的研究最後結論是世界上根本沒有物質這個東西,物質是由快速震動的量子組成。」也如同在大乘教裡面的法相唯識也解釋了宇宙觀,宇宙的最初是一念不覺,物質的本質來自心念而科學家講的是能量,六祖慧能說的:「不是風動,不是幡動,仁者心動。」取於自性的「覺」而不取外在的「相」。莊子論道:「夫昭昭生於冥冥,有倫生於無形,精神生於道,形本生於精,而萬物以形相生。」說明宇宙間有形無形皆精神內在生化的重要性,如同藝術創作談到的心靈層次如何外放到作品之上。康丁斯基說明色與形三要素: 「物體色彩的影響、物體的形的影響、及形和色彩之外的物體本身。現在藝術家取代自然的位置,他可以支配這三個元素。我們可以結論地說,這兒也是以目的性為準。物體(形和諧裡一個附著的元素)的選擇必須由心靈來決定。」因此顏色跟形的和諧是建立在心靈的需要上,規律且平衡的相互作用皆由內在所呈現。

" The beauty of the universe comes from the imagination of the heart that can be found anywhere in life ." Art in any form, whether it is created deliberately or accidentally, follows the rule very similar to the law of nature. Natural phenomena under physical analysis and Tao of Laozi both follow the law. Nature, art, science and religion, which have different purposes, are formed according to the law of nature. Self-portraits(2000) , the Age of Illusion, Riotous Zebras, Taoliving and Fireworks of this exhibition , all present a record of life, social phenomena , environmental issues to the level of this viewing and heart, which are manifested in various forms in the law of nature through art by virtue of observation, imagination and perception of personal life.

Superstring Theory, combined with string theory physics research science and philosophy, unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics, reinterprets material particles hypothesis that every particle in the universe is a string in various ways of vibration  Starting from string theory is like a prelude to the scene of the eye being slit open in An Andalusian Dog (Un Chien andalou) , which subverts our previously existing perception of structure of matter, time and space, some scientists believe that string theory is the unified theory of all things and study the origin of black holes and the universe through it. Max Planck, Father of quantum theory, said: "My final conclusion of the study on atom is there is no such thing as matter in the world, the material is composed of quickly vibrating quantum." As is Consciousness in Mahayana also explains the universe, the universe originally starts from void, the nature of matter originates from the thought while scientists explain it with energy, the Sixth Patriarch said: "No wind is blowing, no flag is fluttering, only the benevolent heart is beating.", which originates from one’s own “feeling” instead of the external “look”. Zhuangzi said: "Brightness originates from darkness, tangible starts from intangible. spirit originates from Tao, matter originates from spirit and everything comes into existence in a form", which explains the importance that both tangible and intangible things are inherent biochemistry of mind and spirit as is how to present mind to artwork . Kandinsky explains three elements of color and shape: the impact of the object color, the impact of the object shape and the object itself beyond color and shape. The artist now takes the place of nature, he can dominate these three elements. In conclusion, this is also based on purpose. The choice of an object (an attached element in a harmonious form) must be determined by the mind.” Therefore, the harmony between color and shape is based on the needs of the mind, and the law is mutually balanced. The effects are presented by the inherence.

Art, like physics and mathematics, emphasizes beauty, but science must follow the solid mathematical formula for validation while art puts more emphasis on artistic perception of spirituality and inspiration and aesthetic experience of art can not be obtained through calculation. In painting, both the canvas and the paint are made of material structures. The inner perception is revealed through the creation. Especially in the study of art therapy, we can feel straightforward the physical state changes brought by vision in the process of creation. The truth of science, the goodness of religion , and the beauty of art complement each other. The motives of artistic creation originate from the inner vibrations which in turn inspire the viewer so as to achieve the value of art. The experience of life connects visual painting, reaches spiritual harmony and the boils down to the central idea of Fireworks.
